We’re Having a Wedding!

 I can keep a secret…but it hasn’t been easy!  Three weeks ago our daughter’s boyfriend called us via Zoom and said he wanted to marry our daughter. We were both touched that he called us and thrilled to include him as a part of our family. He told us that he planned to ask her on our Norwegian holiday on the third anniversary of the day they met. Let me tell you, three weeks is a long time to keep a secret of this size!  

The problem was that except for a brief conversation about ring size, we had not had an opportunity to talk to our future-son-in-law before we left the United States or upon his arrival to Bergen to get a handle on the proposal details. And then, we felt funny asking him. What if he had changed the date on when he was going to pop the question? What if he didn’t have a ring yet? But thank goodness for mothers. His mom emailed me asking for any photos I took that day of the proposal, so we now knew it would happen on the planned date.  

As we soon learned however, the proposal would take place a lot sooner than expected, as we received a text stating that he was going to ask her outside in just a few minutes and could we take a video from our room?  I panicked for several reasons, mainly because I wasn’t dressed yet and then couldn’t figure out how to open the window to take the photos!  My worry about missing something was short-lived because one woman kept walking back and forth exactly where the proposal was attempting to proceed. My arms were beginning to ache from holding my phone up for so long because this woman  was not reading the situation!  A man from our trip nearly got in the way but his wife, who clearly had read the situation, had the good sense to get him back inside before he too got in the way! Finally, the coast was clear, the question was asked, and she said “YES!” 


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