Relaxing During Gale Force Winds

We are having a lovely time in Cape May which has included one beautiful beach day, a visit to a lovely winery and some incredible meals. But the word “relaxing” is not how I would describe our adventures thus far.

We were told by a friend that we were staying at the perfect location  because our hotel was not in the heart of the city, where it can get noisy, but still close enough to walk there.  As soon as we arrived,  we thought it was too late to go to the beach so we would walk into town. Now, we are walkers and the journey would have been lovely had it been 70 degrees.  At 90 plus degrees in the sweltering sun...not so much.  I kept looking at the city map that marked the location of every mini-golf and fudge and salt water taffy store in the greater Cape May area and kept thinking that my friend was nuts!  There were too many fudge stores between us and downtown. Needless to say, we have been using the car ever since.

After a lovely meal that night, we were tired and went to sleep rather early. A few hours later, I woke up and was sweating beyond belief. While I thought my hot flashes were a thing of the past, I assumed that there had to be a few more in me and I should just weather the heat storm. My agitation must have woken my husband, who then got up and headed towards the bathroom. All of a sudden, I began to hear, click, click, click, click,  and then, “Hey, we have no power!” I immediately jumped into action, realizing first, that my hot flashes indeed were a thing of the past, and then, asking myself, “What, no generator!?” In a huff, I called the front desk and was told that the whole area had lost power. We both decided to suck it up and try to go back to sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up because it seemed like the sun had inexplicably entered our room, even though all the curtains were closed! It turned out, that the power had returned, and as luck will have it, “Mr. Click Click Click Click” had put on every light in the room!  I wish that was the end...

Around 7 AM, the fire alarm went off. Now, I have seen all the movies when alarms go off, and whether it is a sink shipping, like in “Titanic,” or a blazing fire, like in “Towering Inferno,” the one thing that all these movies have in common, is that there is a lot of scurrying. People are running all over, trying to save themselves and their loved ones.

Suffice it to say, there was no scurrying going on in our room. I don’t think my daughter even acknowledged that there was a siren going off in our room. In my drowsy state, all I thought about was what I should take should it be a real fire and whether or not I needed to put on a bra. Thankfully, our hero, my husband went into the hall and after consulting with all the other pajama-clad husbands, decided it was nothing. And it wasn’t.

And then this morning, the torrential rains began.  As I was the first up, I went on to our balcony and saw the wind blowing hard and the rain coming down in sheets. I knew we would be fine with our multiple books and a few museums to potentially visit. I looked towards the next balcony, where a mother sat with her three children all in their bathing suits, asking, asking as the rain came down in buckets, when they could go to the pool. The youngest was holding a boogie board in one hand and a bag of popcorn in the other, clearly demonstrating that the parental “white flag” had already gone up before 7:30 AM.  Poor mom.  I am happy to report, that the day did include some dry moments, and the three children, with boogie board in tow, were able to enjoy the pool.  Hope springs eternal. No sign of the popcorn.


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