Dating, Bra Measurements and Hugs: A Reunion of Sorts

I am headed to a "reunion of sorts."  Years ago, three women and I went through a difficult time in our lives and vowed that although we lived in different parts of the country, we would share new, and happy memories together in the future.  For more than 20 years, we have kept that promise and this time, our new and happy memories will be made in Chicago.

But any reunion means planning is involved and I wasn't sure I was up for the task. My past experiences in the Windy City consisted of non-descript conference rooms that could have just as easily been located at the Marriott at Newark Airport. In fact, my knowlege of Chicago includes:
-It is located on Lake Michigan;
-It has two baseball teams;
-There was a big fire here in the 1800's that had something to do with a cow;
-Rahm Emmanuel is Mayor, at least for a little while longer; and
-Tickets to "Hamilton" are cheaper here than in NYC.

With that inadequate foundation I turned to the only true reliable source for answers: Google.  When the 300 Google searches of "The top 10 things to do in Chicago" came up, I immediately got nervous. There were so many things to decide upon and I knew that while friendship was this group's strong suit, decionmaking was not. How could it be that four well-educated, intelligent middle-aged women, when asked what they preferred to do during a weekend get-together, resorted to, "I don't care, as long as we're together."  While that is true, we needed to fill up a bit of that 48 hours of "togetherness."  We all decided on a Chicago food tour--as we all enjoy eating-- and an architecture boat ride. They were both on one of the top ten lists!!!

In full disclosure, my friends and I don't see each other often. We don't even talk that often, but as we had been together through the worst time of our lives, none of us  feel the need to stand on formality. Once our initial communal hugs have been completed, the conversations begin--and they are all over the place. Between our ailments--which are taking longer to and longer to share--our inexplainable, changing bra sizes and descriptions of the worst dates ever (from the unmarried members of our group, of course!!) there is no topic too personal. And if a subject hasn't been discussed on the first day, there is still another 36 hours to make sure it has been fully covered!!

Tomorrow, on to touring the Windy  City!!


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