Traveling with Uncooperative Body Parts

Croatia, August 2018

Day 1: Newark Airport

My husband Bob and I have decided that we are both ready to tackle a hiking trip in another country. Let's face it, as we are both deeply ensconced in middle age, our window of opportunity on such an adventure is rapidly closing. The preparation for our adventure seemed like nothing out of the ordinary--we bought the requisite L.L. Bean backpack, the hiking boots and several pairs of over-priced socks that were guaranteed not to make our feet sweat. We were completely aligned in all things hiking, except for one thing.....our knees.

Truth be told, we have both been under the knife for knees that haven't wanted to keep up with our adventures. And now, it appears that each of us has one knee that we assume will not be happy about our walking the hills and dales across the Dalmatian Coast. Our way of addressing this pre-trip malady however, is quite different. 

For the last three months, I have watched every move and every knee pivot in fear that my knee might give out.  I have convinced myself that it is not unreasonable for a woman of my age to carry around and use liberally a quart of Aspercreme-- just in case.

This was not my husband's approach. He had one twinge of pain, ran to the doctor and got a cortisone shot. Since then, his pivots have become quite extraordinary. Mine remain timid and quite lackluster.

But we've made it to the airport lounge. Needless to say, I put the Apercreme in my carry-on bag--just in case. 


  1. Aspercreme? I travel with a blow up lumbar back support and a neck pillow(arthritis) and a splint (plantar fasciatis). The rest I won’t even mention but there’s more, I promise!! But I do bring a lot of the miracle scarves...but only for warmth bc it’s so cold at times. I don’t know about “style”?
    And I bought quite a few on the street in Hvar for 2-5$ for gifts....and me!


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