The Humor of the Irish and Sheila-isms!
Being on an organized tour is not for the faint of heart. In four short days, we have covered so many miles and seen so many beautiful things. When I think about this vacation in the future however, the word “relaxing” will not come to mind. Our storytelling tour guide must have been an amiable drill sergeant in another life because she runs our platoon like a fine oiled machine. The phrase “on and gone” has a new meaning to us all: “Be on the bus at the designated time because we are leaving.” For the most part we have 42 people who are either guilt ridden Catholics like myself or our girl Sheila has us all scared to death that the bus will leave without us. And that is why I haven’t written in a few days. I haven’t been able to “put pen to paper” at night because I can barely get my teeth brushed due to exhaustion and I’m afraid to type in the bus for fear of getting sick—even while wearing my Sea Bands! Instead of writing about what we saw while getting ...