Bad Directions, Bad Signs and a Cold Lake: Our Spa Experience
A few days before our trip, my sister called me and excitedly explained that she had booked us for a two-hour spa treatment that she had read about in a British country magazine. She explained that the spa was located just 30 minutes from the house in Northern Ireland—- clearly far enough away from the “Troubles” in Derry that she was so concerned about. She further described that this was a very different type of spa which included, a salt water bath, Finnish and aromatherapy saunas, a dip in the lake, and that I should bring my bathing suit. There is so much in that last sentence that give me pause. First, it is March. As if having an inadequate time period for preparing myself to wear a bathing suit wasn’t enough of an issue, “a dip in the lake?” Other than my sister and a few of her Irish friends, no one in this country has seen me out of my winter coat all week! The prospect of getting out of that coat, into a bathing suit and then into a lake ...