A Traumatic Afternoon Shopping with My “Riz” Sister
My sister and I left Ireland’s west coast for a nearly three hour drive to Ireland’s capitol, Dublin. After six days of horrific Irish weather, the sun finally came out today and decided to stay directly in our path as we drove east. Suffice it to say, there was a lot of squinting and leaning forward during the drive. As it was already early afternoon when we arrived in Dublin and both my sister and I have been on nearly every walking tour and visited nearly every museum in the city, my sister thought that our only choice that afternoon was to shop. I would have preferred the walking tour of “St. Patrick’s Dublin” for a second time. It has to be said from the beginning that my sister, at age 59, is a size 6. At 62 and two sizes larger, the way in which I embrace shopping is very different than her. I try to avoid clothes shopping unless absolutely necessary, while my sister takes it on as a professional…and I have a closet full of her purchases for me to pr...