There’s A Lot to be Said for Window Screens
Greetings from Espana! We are one day away from entering the City of Santiago de Compostela and the end of our abbreviated pilgrimage on the Camino. My blogs have been spotty because after walking 8-12 miles every day, it’s hard to focus, let alone be pithy. For four days, we have been on the Camino with 16 other pilgrims and three guides, all aging from 27 to 88. Unlike our hiking trip to Croatia last year, my hiking skills have improved, (thank you to my weekend hiking buddies, Jo-Ann and Yuval) and I have moved up from a fledgling member of the JV team as I was last year, to the Varsity, albeit second string. There is one woman who has consistently been the first to complete each day’s hike—by a lot. In fact, if we didn’t all eat our meals together, I would not be able to pick her out of a line-up, because all I have ever seen was the back of her. But there are times that my chatting with new friends has slowed my progress. In fact, during one lively conversation ...